5 Things You Should Never Do If You Wear Disposable Contact Lenses
If you have disposable contact lenses in Wilmington, NC, there are several best practices you need to know. Not following those recommendations could lead to infections, scratched lenses, ripped or damaged lenses, or worse. So, let’s go over what you should never do if you wear disposable contact lenses.
5 Things You Should Never Do If You Wear Disposable Contact Lenses
Here are some of the things your eye doctor in Wilmington, NC, will tell you never to do.
Don’t Touch Your Contacts with Dirty Hands
This will transfer harmful viruses, bacteria, and even parasites onto the surfaces of your contacts.
Never Sleep When Wearing Your Daily Lenses
Sleeping in your daily lenses doesn’t allow enough oxygen to get to your eyes, which puts your eyes at risk. If you want lenses you can sleep in, consider getting extended-use contacts.
Don’t Insert Your Daily Lenses Before Your Morning Routine
Wait until after you’re done with your morning routine (makeup, hairspray, etc.) before putting in your contacts.
Never Put Your Contacts in Your Mouth
Do you know how many kinds of bacteria and fungi are in your mouth? There are too many to count. Therefore, you should never put your contacts in your mouth to rinse them if they’ve fallen out or you’ve briefly taken them out. It’s better to throw them away and put in a new pair.
Never Reuse Your Old Contact Solution
Never use your contact solution more than once. If you reuse old contact lens solution, the bacteria in it could damage your eyes.
Are You Looking for a Reputable Eye Doctor in Wilmington, NC?
If you are having problems with your eyes, need a contact lens exam, or need contact lens refills, please Contact Paul Vision Institute today.