Entries by Dr. Edward Paul, OD, PhD

What Are Scleral Lenses?

A scleral lens is a hard, large diameter lens that sits on the white of the eye (the “sclera”) and vaults over the cornea. It is very stable and does not move on the eye.  Scleral lenses are made of highly oxygen permeable material. Unlike other contact lenses, scleral lenses actually do not come in […]

Benefits of a Same-Day Eye Exam

If you’re struggling with vision problems, it’s discouraging to have a long wait to see your eye doctor in Wilmington, NC. Still, many vision specialists book their schedules full up to months in advance. This is bad news for someone experiencing a vision emergency. Luckily, Paul Vision Institute offers same-day eye exams to patients who simply […]

Does Diabetes Cause Glaucoma?

If you are getting treatment for glaucoma in Wilmington, NC, you may be wondering what caused you to get this condition. Glaucoma is a serious condition that can lead to blindness, so it’s vital that you get treatment as soon as possible. But still, questions may linger as to the cause. Diabetes is one possible reason. […]

Best Ways to Prevent Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a serious, degenerative eye disease that often leads to partial or full blindness. The sad thing is that the test for glaucoma is available whenever you visit your eye doctor in Wilmington. If your eye doctor determines that you have glaucoma, treatment is available. Of course, the best thing is to prevent glaucoma […]