Did You Know We Offer Same Day Eye Exams?

Vision issues can crop up suddenly, leaving you to wonder what is wrong and how long you must wait for an appointment. You could experience anything from a change in your eyeglass prescription to needing treatment for glaucoma. Paul Vision Institute is pleased to let you know that we offer same-day eye exams in Wilmington, NC, for any patient who feels they should come in right away.

What to Expect at Your Same Day Eye Exam

The first thing to expect is that Dr. Edward Paul or one of our other four optometrists will look directly into your eyes to determine if they spot any type of problem. If so, they will use X-ray and other diagnostic equipment to clarify what the eye issue is and why you are experiencing it.

You may need your eyes dilated to allow our optometrists a better view of the back of your eyes and how well this area functions. We will let you know if you need dilation drops at the start of the appointment, and you will complete some other tests before this happens.

The letterboard test is one of the simplest yet most accurate ways to check vision. Your optometrist sets a large piece of cardboard several feet away from you containing letters of various sizes. Some will be darker than others to gauge how clear they are to you. Based on the results of this test, your optometrist may write you a new prescription.

The severity of your issue determines whether you will complete any other tests duringsame-day eye exams in Wilmington, NC. If a foreign object is caught in your eye, we urge you to go to the nearest emergency room.

How Latisse™ Thickens and Extends Your Eyelashes

Latisse™ is an eyelash treatment that relies on a liquid compound called bimatoprost to improve the look and length of your eyelashes. We’ll look at the details of what it is, how it works, and what you should know if you’re considering getting it for yourself.

What Is Latisse™?

Latisse in Wilmington, NC is clinically approved to provide cosmetic benefits for patients who have hypotrichosis (the medical term for sparse eyelashes). You’ll see results in about a month or so, with full results clocking in at around 9 weeks. Latisse™ i’s typically safe for anyone who uses it, though side effects may include red eye or dry eye. In rarer cases, it may cause skin discoloration.

The original substance was made to lower eye pressure in people with glaucoma, but it became clear that bimatoprost had other benefits as well. People started getting thicker, darker, and longer eyelashes when using it, which led researchers to consider its secondary uses for people who wanted more noticeable lashes.

How Do You Use Latisse™?

Latisse™ is relatively simple to use and can be applied with just a brush along the line of the lash. You’ll put it on the upper lashes online because it will naturally transfer to the bottom lashes as you blink. As long as you’re using the product regularly, you should begin to see an improvement in your lashes. These results will last for as long as you take the product. If you stop, your lashes will return to their original consistency.

Not everyone will be eligible for Latisse™, as certain eye conditions may make it dangerous to take. If you have any type of dermatitis or hypertension in the eye, an eye doctor in Wilmington, NC may not be able to prescribe it to you. While this is used largely for cosmetic purposes, there’s a reason why you can’t go out and purchase it at the drugstore.

Latisse in Wilmington, NC

If you’re looking for an eye doctor who can prescribe this medication to you, visit the Paul Vision Institute for more information. Our staff is happy to tell you more about the details of using the product and whether it’s a good fit for your eyes.


Are Your Vision Changes Symptoms of Normal Aging?  

You may notice changes in your vision as you get older, realizing it isn’t what it used to be. And this may raise some questions. Though it’s common for vision to deteriorate to a degree as we age, what’s considered normal? Are your recent changes to be expected? Or is something more serious at play? If you’re worried about vision problems due to aging, talk to your eye doctor in Wilmington, North Carolina, about your symptoms.

What Are Normal Vision Changes?

After the age of forty, many adults experience changes such as the ones listed below, and in most cases, they should be no cause for concern. It’s also good to note that if poor vision runs in your family, you are at more risk of declining vision as you age. Common vision complaints in those over the age of 40 include:

  • Trouble focusing on objects either near or far away
  • Trouble changing focus between near and far objects
  • Problems distinguishing between colors
  • Needing more light to perform certain tasks

Currently, around three-quarters of the world’s population have products to aid them visually, such as glasses or contacts, so you’re definitely not alone in your struggles.

What Are Abnormal Vision Changes?

Most of the time, we’re worried about changes in our vision when there’s no cause to be alarmed. But it’s still important to talk to your doctor about changes in your eyesight, because you could be dealing with an underlying medical condition. Signs of abnormal vision problems and symptoms related to health conditions include:

  • Seeing shapes and lights that aren’t present
  • Irritated or puffy eyes
  • Unusual discharge
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Any rapid changes in vision

What Causes Abnormal Vision Changes?

The symptoms listed above may all be cause for concern. Let your doctor know if you experience any of these potential signs of abnormal changes, because some chronic health conditions can affect your vision early on. Possible conditions include:

  • Diabetes
  • Shingles
  • Lyme Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Hypertension

The earlier your condition is diagnosed and treated, the more optimistic your outcome. If you’re worried about gradual or sudden vision changes in Wilmington, North Carolina, and are concerned something serious may be to blame, call Paul Vision Institute today to schedule an appointment, or visit our website for more information.


How Often Should I See the Eye Doctor?

Knowing how often you should see the eye doctor in Wilmington, NC is important! Most people don’t see the eye doctor that often unless they have glasses. Did you know that you should have eye appointments regularly even if you don’t have an eye condition? It’s true! To protect your vision and catch eye problems in their early stages, you should see the eye doctor once annually. Here’s what you need to know.

See Your Eye Doctor Once Per Year

Try to see the eye doctor at least once annually at the same time every year. Pick a time of year that tends to be less busy for you. This might be in early winter or in the beginning of the fall. Do you have kids who also need to see the eye doctor? If so, then make your appointments all for the same day to make it easier to fit in one trip.

Make An Appointment If You’re Noticing Symptoms

Are you noticing symptoms of a problem? If so, make an eye appointment as soon as you can. At Paul Vision Institute, we give same day eye exams in Wilmington NC. Our same day eye exams are easy to fit into your busy schedule.

What symptoms are we talking about?

  • Blurry vision (near or far)
  • Blurriness or a blind spot in the middle of your field of vision
  • Clouded or hazy vision
  • Fading colors
  • Bright, zig sagging lines in your field of vision

Why Should You See the Eye Doctor?

It’s important to see the eye doctor regularly – even if you don’t have symptoms of a vision problem and don’t wear glasses. Not all eye conditions have noticeable symptoms in their early stages.

Glaucoma, for example, has no symptoms until vision is permanently damaged. Seeing the eye doctor yearly can catch glaucoma in its early stages, so its progress can be slowed. If you wait until your vision is damaged, there won’t be anything your eye doctor can do to recover the vision that’s already lost.

So, are you ready for an eye appointment? Call us today to find out more about our same day eye exams!

Have You Been Putting Off Your Eye Exam? 3 Reasons to Get a Same-Day Exam

As your eye doctor in Wilmington, NC, Paul Vision Eye Institute offers same day eye exams. This is a helpful service that can help you get the attention from the eye doctor you need, keep your prescription up to date, and identify eye conditions in their early stages. You don’t have to plan ahead to keep up with your eye health! Here’s why we recommend our same day eye exams to our patients.

1. Your Eye Doctor Will Detect Changes in Prescription

Your prescription can change over time. Some vision problems correct themselves over time, other vision problems get worse. Once your prescription changes, it’s important to get updated glasses to match your prescription. If you no longer need glasses because your prescription has improved, it’s important to find that out as well.

Stopping in for a same day eye exam can help ensure that you can see properly while driving, doing work, reading, going to school and more.

2. The Eye Doctor Will Check for Glaucoma

There are more reasons to see the eye doctor than just to find out if you need an updated prescription. Glaucoma is a condition that often has no noticeable symptoms in the early stages. The only way to find out if you have glaucoma while it’s in the early stages is to see the eye doctor.

Same-day eye exams in Wilmington NC can check for glaucoma, so you’ll know if this is a condition that affects you. If your eye doctor detects glaucoma, they can start treatments that will help slow down the progression of the condition, to keep your eyes as healthy as possible for as long as possible.

3. Proper Vision Is Safe

One more reason to see the eye doctor? Because good vision is a matter of safety. If your eyesight is blurry, unfocused or compromised in some way, you might not be able to drive safely, or engage in everyday activities like navigating city streets. Seeing the eye doctor can help you stay safe!

To make an appointment with your eye doctor, call Paul Vision Institute to learn more about our same day eye exams today.

An In-Depth Look at the Risk Factors Associated with Glaucoma

Glaucoma is estimated to affect as many as three million people in the United States alone. Unfortunately, glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss. Here is a look at some of the primary risk factors of glaucoma to get to know.


Glaucoma is known to affect people no matter their age. However, open-angle glaucoma is more related to age; it tends to be more of a risk the older you get and is more prevalent in people over the age of 60. As you get older, the optic nerve can be more vulnerable to problems that lead to glaucoma.


Individuals who are of African or Latino descent may be at an increased risk of glaucoma. While people of all ethnicities can have glaucoma, individuals from these groups should be even more vigilant about monitoring for symptoms and having periodic screenings with an eye doctor.

Family History

While glaucoma is not necessarily considered a genetic eye disease, there may be a slightly elevated risk if a member of your immediate family has been diagnosed. Genetic factors seem to play a role in most forms of glaucoma. If one of your parents, a sibling, or even a grandparent was diagnosed, be on the lookout for symptoms with your own vision.


Certain lifestyle factors can heighten your risks of glaucoma, such as:

  • Leading a sedentary lifestyle
  • Not eating a nutritious, well-balanced diet
  • Smoking or being around secondhand smoke

If you believe you are at risk of glaucoma already due to other factors, making lifestyle changes to lower your risks can be even more important.

Talk to an Eye Doctor in Wilmington About Glaucoma

While glaucoma can be a worrisome eye health condition, proactive treatment can make a big difference in the effect on your visual capabilities. If you believe you are at high risk of glaucoma, reach out to us at the Paul Vision Institute in Wilmington, NC to schedule an appointment.