Why Are Cataracts So Common as We Age?

Cataracts in Wilmington NC is a common, yet serious, eye condition that causes the lenses of the eyes to become cloudy. The cloudiness makes it difficult to see people and objects clearly, whether up close or at a distance.

Anyone can develop this condition, but it is much more common as people age. Over 24 million Americans aged 40 and over currently have cataracts, and the risk increases significantly by age 55. By the time you reach age 80, you have a 50 percent chance of developing cloudy vision.

Non Age-Related Causes of Cataracts

Please schedule an appointment with Paul Vision Institute as soon as possible if you have any of the conditions or engage in any of the lifestyle habits listed below.

  • Diabetes
  • Family history of cataracts
  • High blood pressure
  • Long-term use of eye drops and other steroidal medications
  • Past eye injuries
  • Obesity
  • Smoking

Left untreated, cataracts can cause glaucoma, partial to complete vision loss, or severe eye inflammation.

The Role of Aging and Cataracts

According to the National Library of Medicine, all people experience oxidative damage in their eyes as they age. Because of this, some optometrists and ophthalmologists consider age-related cataracts to be unavoidable. Changes occur in either the cortex, nucleus, or posterior pole in people who develop the condition.

You may not be able to prevent cataracts entirely, but your lifestyle choices can decrease its severity and increase the age of diagnosis. For example, stop smoking if you smoke, lose weight if needed, and manage your diabetes or high blood pressure if you have those conditions. Coming in for regular eye exams is also critical.

Surgery is currently the only treatment available for cataracts. Please reach out to Paul Vision Institute to reserve a time to come in and learn more aboutcataracts in Wilmington NC.